Australia Demographics
The current population of Australia is 21 516 000 (U.S. Census Bureau). The birth rate is 12.39 births per 1000 people and the death rate is 6.81 deaths per 1000 people (CIA). Therefore, Australia is in Stage Four of demographic transition because both the death and birth rates are low. 18.3% of the population is below fifteen years of age, and 13% percent are over sixty-five years (PRB). These are dependent age groups. The average life expectancy is 81.72 years (CIA). For males, it's 78.7 years and for females, it's 83.5 years (U.S. Department of State). The sex ratio for 65 years and over is 0.84 males/female (CIA). There is an average of 1.78 child born per woman. In 2010, the estimated population growth rate is 1.171% (CIA). The projected population for mid-2025 is 26 900 000 and the projected population for mid-2050 is 34 000 000 (PRB). The population in 2050 as a multiple of the population of 2010 is 1.5 (PRB).